Can you believe it? I got a Blogging award! Reveda my friend from India (who has been following my blog since shortly after Soli's birth) has given me the "Honest Scrap" award and has tagged me to say 10 things about myself - with full honesty. So, here goes -
1. I am a very determined person.
2. I am not used to being told no or not getting my way. This has served me well in my life and I don't let anyone tell me I cannot do something.
3. I moved in with Tom the week after we met. Yea you can ask him about the trailer.. Haha.
4. I have always known I would have lots of kids (or at least hoped I would)
5. I am a shopaholic but my forte' is thrift stores.
6. I am currently obsessed with Twilight Yes Pathetic I know but still, I wanna be a Cullen, I mean who in their right mind wouldn't??!!
7. I am not a neat freak and my Husband is OCD (great combo there huh?!)
8. I have delt with nearly all of MacKenzie's surgeries ect by myself.
9. I do not trust many people with my babies, once they are older and can fend for themselves then I let up quite a bit but only I can properly care for my baby in my mind.
10. How do I do it? Honestly I do not know. I don't know how I do not go crazy, well since we are being honest I do feel crazy at times, I even have momentary bouts of feeling like I am not good enough to do it and the occational moments of I no longer want to do it (I am only human!) but somehow, I just do.
OK I have to tag a 7 bloggers for this award:
1. Dawn
2. MckMama
3. Jennifer
4. april's mom
5. Casey
6. Sheree
7. myah
for me?! lol
Okay...I am going to have to think about this one. Not sure there's much interesting to say about me, lol.
ok- I finally did the award thingy!
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