Sunday, May 3, 2009

OK he was cute but....You cannot do THAT!!

Well I think I clarified in a previous post that my life is far from normal. We already attract a lot of attention when I am out and about with all the kids. But nothing prepares me for the Horrified look on the faces of B's victims, I mean Run-ins. B is 13, Well 14 next month but is mentally about a year in a half but she LOOKS like she is 14. I mean at least in her defence she looks Mentally handicapped but somehow I do not think that makes her Victims, I mean those who come into contact with her, feel any better about her recent way of "greeting" people.

B's new form of greeting is to spy her Victim, I mean someone, and walk up to the poor unsuspecting sap and proceed to...well there is no other way to put it but...she feels them up. Yes B seems to have a knack for feeling up those she come in contact with. But Nothing prepares you for the horrified look on her victims, Yes I am going with victim now, faces. They can see she is Mentally handicapped but that can't make them feel any better about getting groped! I cannot even apologize anymore because honestly what can say? She does not seem to care if the person is male or female either. So I guess you could call her an equal opportunity groper?! I am not sure if this new way to greet people is better or worse than her old way (which was to come up to you proceed to give you a bath with her tongue.) I guess for her this new way is much more sanitary? All I can do is gather my children (no easy task in itself) and slink out the door...

Anyone have any ideas?? OK well lunch is calling (yes I KNOW it is 3pm already!) and I have to get the kids to taco bell and everyone is in the bus waiting for me...

1 comment:

2blessed2stress said...

LOL OH MY... you go B! ok that probably wasnt the best response... but dont you sometimes think that people in our society need a little shaking up now and then? C'mon Dani.... admit it... you DO! I have four "normal" kids, and the looks I get when i'm out and about are horrific enough, so I can't imagine with your blessed brood the stares and gawks you get! So I'll just continue to enjoy this phase of Miss B's while it lasts, who knows what will come next.... "Hello "Victim" I'm just going to come up and strip right down to my birthday suit in front of you and do my famous belly dancing"! :) Hugs to you, B and all the rest of the zoo crew! ;)