Tomorrow is my due date for Soli and she will be 101 days old. Wow. I am feeling a bit sad and I am sure I will tomorrow too. Don't get me wrong I am so thankful that she is here with me I am just sad because of all she has had to endure so far in her little life. She should still be resting curled up warm inside of me. Unless you have had a preemie I do not thing you can fully understand what I am feeling. It is in a sense like a death. The loss of your pregnancy and the loss of your perfect birth and the waiting. I am jealous at those who complain they are tired of being pregnant all the while knowing that if it were me, I would be complaining too. Ironic huh? I stll feel jealous looking a ladies who look like they are going to explode at any second. It is better now that I can look down at Soli and know she is ok.
The regional center came out friday. We will be starting Physical therapy soon. Soli also had another eye exam Thursday and she has NO signs of ROP AT ALL!! That is a Miracle! The dr said he expects every 25 weeker to have some ROP but he cleared her and no more eye exams from him! She can see!
On the other kid front, Caden was offically diagnosed. He has PDD-NOS, OCD, Transient Alteration of Awareness. I am meeting with the school district to start him in a Special Needs Preschool. I am struggling with this. When I think of Special Ed I think of brianna's classroom and I do not want Caden there. I think he is smarter and does not need that much. He just needs a bit more one on one with a teacher. I am torn and want to do what is best for him and I am not sure if that is mainstreaming him or putting him in Special ed. Anyone have any advise? Well the kids are going stir crazy so I am going to take them out.

Congrats on Soli! You know in Asian cultures, they celebrate the 100th day a baby is alive! It's a very important milestone. Trust me, my mother never forgets it or lets me forget about it!
I can't help much on the school front for now. My only advise is to do more research. Maybe you will have more feelings about the situation after the meeting!
Either way, you will know what your child needs! You are a terrific mother!
happy 100 days old soli!
Happy 100 days.
As for the preschool stuff...I know you're scared, but this can be a good thing. If you get your son the help he needs now, then hopefully later in school he will be able to succeed, disability or no disability. In MOST schools, self contained classes are rare. Self contained are classes where the student stays in one class with the special ed teacher all day, and is educatated with other special ed kids. As a parent you can say yes, no and I want this at the meetings. You have the final say in your son's program. Wish you luck. It will all work out for the best.
I was waiting for this day for quite sometime...Happy Birthday Soli.....
no words can describe the feeling to see 00000 on that clock....take care
i feel that way to . this was my last pregnancy! I feel soo robbed..I am to annoyed with women complaining, and i know i would also lol. happy due date to soli!
also have you thought of private school for him? they are more 1 on 1.
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