Last weekend and for the past few months I have been following the blog of a young mom named "B" and her little girl April Rose. Honestly the blog was well written and even though her daughter was not supposed to survive he faith in God and her strength were amazing! I prayed for this little girl daily! Last sunday I sat and pressed refresh a million times while little April Rose was being born and held my breath with each update. Until the pictures were posted... I noticed the babies in the college one were not the same baby and the baby looked fake, like a doll even. "B" was exposed as a fake and "B" was a woman named Beccah Rose Beushausen. Little April Rose? None other than a baby reborn doll.
Here are some pics of Beccah and April Rose.

This frustrates me so much but I will take from this that I did find some words of comfort in her posts and she did get my prayer requests for Soli out to more people than my blog would have so I will accept that is what all this was for. I am however glad that there is no dying baby named April Rose but for every fake April Rose there are 100 other really sick babies so keep praying folks.
Here are some pics of Beccah and April Rose.

This frustrates me so much but I will take from this that I did find some words of comfort in her posts and she did get my prayer requests for Soli out to more people than my blog would have so I will accept that is what all this was for. I am however glad that there is no dying baby named April Rose but for every fake April Rose there are 100 other really sick babies so keep praying folks.
You know what I think/feel about this situation.... I am having a hard time calling it the "April Rose" situation because I still feel fiercely protective of this nonexistant baby! I really think credit should be given where Due and its a Beccah situation.... The article I read last night did NOTHING to convince me that this chick really "got" what she did.... and as a Christian, the fact that her posts were not only beautifully written but "spot on" freaks me out.
But that's great about the prayers for Soli.... our real life miracle!
Believe it or not, I knew Beccah growing up in Mokena. I went to grade school, junior high, and high school with her. I haven't seen her since we were sophomores or so. She used to make stuff up even back then. I remember she had a crush on a fellow churchgoer's husband in junior high and used to make excuses to call him and lie about something she needed to borrow for school. She claimed to me once that she called the police and told them someone was trying to break into her house, and I thought even then, "Why do you need to do this?"
At the same time, she was never a bad person; she just didn't think of things like this having consequences. It was all sort of a big joke to her. I really do not wish her ill, hope she realizes the impact of her mistakes, and gets the help she has needed for a long time.
I also went to church with Beccah growing up. She was always a slightly disturbed girl. She was always lying about things and once even stole 20 bucks from my purse. This whole situation does not surprise me at all. Her parents were always clueless about the destruction that there daughter could cause. I'm trying to think of that persons husband she had a crush on I remember her always being with someone husband,,,,but now I can't place the situation
I was just linked to your blog via a comment on mine. If you're going to use my screenshot (the very first one on this post is mine), you need to get permission first.
Please remove. Thank you.
It is really sad, but you have to look through her perspective.
I think she was writing a fictional story that people swarmed to like bees on honey. I think she was writing out how she really felt in a fictional form. A lot of writers do it, but she should have never accepted gifts. She should have never accepted anything. She should have labeled it as fiction.
Whatever it was, it worked obviously. She got what she needed, and now she has to face the consequences.
But please don't feel like you wasted your prayers, just be relieved that it's not real. I think your prayers were simply answered in a different form; exposing the truth.
Sorry for ranting, but that's just how I feel. Though I am concerned about her self esteem and why she chose to elaborate so much on fiction...
And it really pisses me off that she accepted the money. That should be returned.
I just found your blog through ABCDE=Party of 5 for ME!
And I feel the need to comment on this (if you go to my blog you will understand).
I wish people would stop making excuses for her - she did a terrible thing, and now it seems she has been building to this lie with smaller lies all her life... how come nobody gave her the emotinal and mental help she clearly needed long ago.
Still, this does not excuse her behaviour in my book - I have empathy for her suffering, we have all suffered, but I have no respect for her choice of outlet!
Shame on her!
South Africa
That story was sad. Hope she gets the help that she nneds. When I found the blog, I thought something was fishy when she would never tell us her first name. Although, I was surprised to find out that it wasn't real.
BTW, prayers for your Soli! You have a beautiful family!
Thanks for sharing this story, it's real sad one.
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